Funny Things She Says

Keira is a very smart 3-year-old. Like – how is this possible that she knows how to use my phone and make CALLS. Sorry for that 6am phone call that one time Angela…she said she was trying to call her Daddy.

There are SEVERAL things Keira has said the past few days and I thought I’d share some of them here.

Strawberries are Strawbabies
Look was Gook for the longest time
Noodles are Noonels
Seth going into the neighbor’s yard this weekend “Seth! You are not allowed over there!” He says “Yes I can.” Keira: “No! Look at my face! You don’t do that again!” 😀 Jeremy even got that on video!
Jeremy giving me a hug and a kiss – “WHAT are you doing to my mommy?”
Keira talking to the kids at daycare who want to touch her boo boo on her knee – “They were being irresponsible.”

This child. She will be throwing an EPIC tantrum and totally making my nerves disappear and then the next the sweetest, most cuddly thing and saying something totally off the wall hilarious. She is the middle child….she will do big things, I know this.

My Bad…..

Bad Blogger here again….

It’s been well over two months since my last post – well before I deleted some of them and then realized that maybe I should keep everything already here up…..anyway….

Holiday parties….sick kids….me sick…..

Sorry – again.

Don’t count on me to be a daily poster (I have obviously proven that I am NOT). Honestly…I am thinking I may delete everything and just start over. That sounds like a plan. ❤ (See first sentence….shouldn’t have done it)

I have sense learned how to accurately post tags and categories when before I was just kind of fumbling about. So….goodbye old….hello new Musings.

I’ve Lost

I lost my personal address. I’m back to because I forgot to renew it (at least I think so) but whatever. I’m cool with that. I also realize it’s been over a MONTH since I posted something. I’m a horrible blogger.

I want to mention how much I dislike the new Word Press layout at the moment, but I might get used to it.

I’ve been catching up on the blogs I follow: Young House Love (who just bought a beautiful new house that’s more than like their always house) and Bower Power Blog (whose new bundle Weston is such a cutie) and I realized I need to start writing again.

We went on vacation for a whole week the first week of June and we loved just about every second of it. There were sunburns involved – Keira didn’t get one but the rest of us did. I’ve been cooking a lot from FoodGawker and I think we’ve finally decided on a color for the bathroom….again.

The kids have a live in baby sitter during the week which is awesome. It’s Jeremy’s niece and Keira loves her to death. She even does the dishes for me and sweeps and vacuums. Well, Seth does it but she makes him do it. 😀

It’s nice to come home and have clean floors and a clean sink.

We have money left from our tax return after taking vacation and paying bills so we’ve been talking about ways to use that for the house. Someone mentioned a flat screen for the living room to replace our 50 some odd inch projection t.v. but I was thinking more along the lines of maybe a deck or extended patio and pergola in the back. Dude…’d be awesome.

Oh, I’ve also maintained my weight (145) BUT I’ve lost fat and inches and hence can now fit in my size 6 jeans once again, two more sizes to go. Doing it the right way and hitting the gym doing weights, spin class and the treadmills – trying to eat clean but sometimes that’s just not possible. I do cook just about every night at home but like Monday night I made chocolate peanut butter cookies for dessert and last night we had chocolate ice cream. Gotta have something sweet right?

Love you all for reading my blog and hey – don’t just like my post, leave me a comment – ask me a question – I’ll respond! 🙂


Well…..first off, you can now find me on Tumblr at At first I didn’t like it, now I’m hooked. My Instagram photos will post there as well so make sure you follow me.

I stopped doing Foursquare, people on FB were getting annoyed and I got tired of constantly trying to update it. 🙂

In other news: I’ve lost a few pounds and around 4 inches overall. My bras and pants no longer fit right. I want to hold off on buying new stuff for at least another week (we leave for Florida in two and a half weeks) so that at least my clothes on vacation will fit.

I won’t be buying a new bikini, my tops and bottoms tie together so I know they will fit right. Keira will need new shoes AGAIN within a week or so. It’s like she went from a size 3 to a size 5 over a week. The Nike’s we bought her (size 4) no longer fit her. We won’t be paying $45 for shoes for her again anytime soon. She loves wearing shoes she can put on herself (ie: flip-flops or other slip on shoes) so that’s what we will be getting her for the summer at home. She can’t wear those kinds of shoes to school and she hates it.

Seth has been playing ball, they only have a few games left and they finally won one on Saturday. I don’t think ball is his game. He’s more of a soccer kid. He’s going to be lean like his Uncle was, plus he was great at soccer when he played in Upward. His new middle school will have a team so I hope he makes it there.

Jeremy has been working a lot of overtime and it’s finally starting to calm down where he’s only working 9 hour days instead of 10 hour days.

On the house front: no progress made in the bathrooms, surprise! BUT we have decided on colors, just haven’t gotten the paint or anything yet. I need to find some stuff that goes along with the colors we picked. Tile is first on our list and since our house is on a slab, we agreed we could probably do everything our selves cause it’s level. Just have to borrow the tile cutter from the BIL.

Outside the house – the bushes shall be gone! Well… soon as the baby mockingbirds in one of the bushes grows up. We have three white/green bushes in front of the kitchen/dining room window, two box woods and some kind of other bush that attracts bees in the spring. We plan on transplanting them either in front of the dog lot or down the property line. They will get pretty big if we let them be.

In their place……decorative stones/gravel and oversized pots with perennials or annuals in them. During the winter we can dress them up with lights and Halloween/Fall items and Christmas/Winter items. So they won’t just be empty pots sitting in front of the house.

It’s nice that Keira can come outside now and play while we do stuff in the yard. It’s been neglected for a while. My blue balloon flowers haven’t bloomed in two years cause the bushes are over growing them and my irises too. We also plan on making a flower bed around the Bradford pear tree in the front yard. Hopefully to transplant the blue balloon flowers and irises there. If not, we shall find something else.

I know I have been absent from my beloved blog for a while. Life takes hold sometimes and you just can’t get time to write…..unless your like Young House Love and it’s your job, then you make time. 🙂 Writing here isn’t a priority anymore, kind of makes me sad to think about.

Since I’ve been gone the past three weeks I turned 30 and remembered the passing of my father. It’s been eight years ago and still hurts, always does. The passing of George Jones made it worse. I cried at work. George was a great inspiration to my dad but now they are together, pickin’ and grinnin’.

So – before I start crying again…..I’ll stop there.

Baby Milestone

Keira, our little Princess, will be 15 months old on the 18th of this month.

For a while now we have had this little potty in our master bathroom:

You can click this link to get to Babies R Us website to see how much it is and get it shipped to you. 🙂

Anyway – whenever I go to the potty, she follows right behind me. I always ask her “Do you have to go pee pee?” She will point at the bear on the front and say “Pee-pee”. She’ll sit down and I have to get her up and get her pants off and her diaper to let her sit. But by the time I do that, she’s already went potty. I let her sit there anyway.

Well – yesterday at Big Daddy and Mawmaw’s house she kept saying “pee-pee, pee-pee” and pointing to her diaper. So I checked her but she wasn’t wet. Said it another few times and I finally asked her if she had to go to the potty. She started to walk off to the bathroom.

Once in there I got her pants and diaper off of her and sat her down on the big person potty. She sat there for a minute and kicking her feet, watching her pants fall off her feet. Then she started to fidget like she wanted down. So I stood her up, off to the side of the potty. Almost as soon as her feet it the floor she started to pee. I picked her back up really quick and she stopped and then when I sat her back on the potty she finished pee-peeing in the potty!

I told her “Good girl Keira! Yea!!” She just smiled and kicked her feet. Once I got her down and cleaned up she clapped and I hollared for her daddy to come get her and get a diaper on her. I cleaned up the floor and luckily she didn’t pee on her socks, shoes or pants.

I told her daycare teachers about it and told them to ask her if she needed to go throughout the day. I haven’t called to check on her yet today but I will be sure to ask when I pick her up. Hopefully by the time she’s two she will be fully potty trained – that’s the hope anyway.

If you have kids, how has potty training went for you??

Oh The Agony!

It’s been a while I know – life happens people.

I must say – the past few weeks have been pretty crazy/painful.

I went to the chiropractor yesterday for shoulder pain. It’s been hurting for a while now and this past weekend it caught at least five or six times. Enough that once I wanted to just cry. I apparently have rotator cuff tendon issues. I had some ultrasound therapy done on it yesterday and he told me to ice it twice a day and if it still hurt by the end of the week I would need to come back and see him.

Obviously I looked up what exactly a rotator cuff is and the surgery (if it is determined that I need it) and apparently surgery is pretty painful. Awesome. If the pain continues after I’ve seen the chiropractor a few times he said that he was going to send me for an MRI. Then we would go from there. PRAY that I do not need surgery – cause that would suck.

Next up – Female Issues

TMI ahead guys…

I got back on my birth control that I was on before – NuvaRing – and I love it. Downside – you start it on the first and end it on the 21st. I say downside because with the way my other birth control had been working – my friend came during the middle of the month. So – the first month I used the ring, my friend was about a week late. OMG – most painful week of my life.

I seriously wanted to lay in bed and cry the whole time. I wondered aloud about the possibility of some thing else being wrong – as to why it hurt so bad. I did a search and found this on WebMD: Changes in the color and thickness of menstrual blood are often normal. But there are a number of problems that might cause abnormal clots (which I did notice and it freaked me out, hence the web search) to form in your menstrual blood or lead to the changes in color or thickness during your period. Problems that can cause changes include: Miscarriage. Women who have miscarried may pass blood clots or gray clumps of tissue from the vagina. Fibroids or Hormonal changes are also possibilities.

Need I underline anything else?

I told Jeremy about it but he didn’t seem that all concerned and I didn’t push the issue or the discussion. I also didn’t call my doctor because let’s be honest – they would either say yes I did have a miscarriage and I’d feel horrible because what if I caused it because of the birth control (which is likely if that’s the case) and I’d feel even more worse or they would tell me no and I’d just be an idiot freaking out about nothing.

I haven’t told anyone this – now I’m telling everyone. Do I wonder if that’s what really happened, a miscarriage? Yes. Should I have went to the doctor? Probably. Do I feel better not knowing the truth? Yes. Does that make me a horrible person? Insert answer here _____________.

I’m kind of numb to the whole thing now. I think that’s one reason why I’m glad I don’t know for sure. If I knew and the answer was yes – I’d be a miserable ball of craziness. If the answer was no – I’d figure I was just one of those people who think they are sick all the time….what do you call them? Hypochondriacs?

So – with all that being said and trying to find something to take my mind off it – I am going to throw myself back into running. I have went once these past few weeks (cause it’s been FREEZING down here or raining or snowing) and I’m looking forward to warmer weather. Come this winter – I’ll be getting a gym membership just so I can have a treadmill to run on. Also – I’ve been contemplating joining 9Round – look it up here I just have to get my membership fees up. Anyone want to donate? 🙂

This is also on my to do list

Who wants to go with me?

What I Want To Do

I have been putting together a list of races (running) that I want to do this year.

Jeremy wants to do some as well so here’s hoping we can keep each other motivated. Although – with his schedule we won’t be able to run together for a while. Anyway – here goes!

March 23rd – Berry College 10K/5K
March 30th – Color Me Rad 5K
April 20th – Chick. Chase 15K/5K
April 27th – Run For Ringgold 5K
Aug. 17th – Chatt. Mud Run
Nov. 9th – Chick. Half Marathon

If I can only do ONE race this year – it would be the Color Me Rad run. My second choice would be the Mud Run.

My list is growing and if you are around the Chattanooga area – let me know of races that aren’t on this list and I can add them! Thanks! 🙂

I see…

You know how you get that feeling about some people….that something isn’t right about them.

Yeah I got that feeling about someone a few months ago, and sure enough I was right. I also learned recently that even if you extend an olive branch to someone – that person can burn it down and not care less about it.

My mother told me last night that one of her good friends once told her “You don’t judge the person, you judge their fruits.” Something to that effect – it was late and I was yawning – but I am pretty sure I am close.

My talk with my mom was a good one. If my phone wasn’t beeping at me, and if I didn’t have to pee, I’m sure we would have talked for even longer. My mom is a pretty smart cookie. 🙂

So – now I see how certain people are – and that’s cool. I don’t like their “fruit” so I’m sure I can find someone with better. 🙂

Starting Over

Yesterday at church we had Communion Service.

We always have one at the beginning of the year and this one really hit me. I’ve never cried that much during prayers – ever.

I know I’ve said things in the past that has hurt others, I know that I have issues with anger sometimes when I get short on nerves and I know that I’ve probably pushed a few people away. I’m sorry for that – and I really truly want to Start Over.

So – as I sit here crying while I type I am thinking of the two people whom I’ve pushed away the most. One for very obvious reasons that I don’t know if people would like if I brought back into my life and the other because I just can’t get along with for some reason or another. Maybe it can be worked out and fixed.

Here’s to a new year – and here’s hoping for change – in a very positive way.

Watch out now!

Apparently I’m on the attack!

First off – I’ve only ever attacked and put down one person on my blog. My now ex sister-in-law – and now – I feel bad about it. Yeah she still broke my brother’s heart but at the same time I want to know why and I want to hear it for myself from her mouth. I asked her sister yesterday how to get in touch with her….no word back just yet.

On top of that – that girl was my best friend. And to be brutally honest I was more mad at her because now we couldn’t be friends.

If I wanted to attack someone then I would talk about their past and name them straight out. If I wanted to put down someone I’d talk about how they treat people or how they are themselves and I’d also name them straight out.

ALSO – I don’t see how stating my opinion on a blog is attacking or putting down anyone. I don’t tell other people how to raise their kids. Maybe people get defensive about what I say because they feel bad about doing what I talk about. Who knows.

I will say this – I have a problem with people talking about me behind my back. I have a problem with people saying that I force my opinions on others. I have a problem with people who straight up lie about things they have said in the past. I also have a problem with people lying about me.

So, you are more than welcome to fly off. If you can’t say it to my face or in a public forum like Facebook or right here on the dear old blog….then kindly shut your face.